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The New Standard
in Property-Based Business

Our systems do the analysis & outreach,

all you do is reply.

Anchor 1

Let our systems get you in touch with the right people, consistently.

With data on every Agent, Broker, and Transaction in California, we provide you with the unmatched ability to interact with thousands of transactions and people on demand.


User Friendly

We are the one-stop-shop for you or your team to handle lead conversations, estimate values, and keep track of your business on your phone or on the web.



Full Customer Experience Service

Everything we provide you is built by us from scratch. During the spin-up phase, we customize the CRM and related automations to be as effective as possible with the team/workflows you already have. We measure our success by our client's success.


Transaction Tracking

Every SFR, MF, or Commercial transaction is a potential point of revenue for our clients and their services. Contact thousands of agents regarding thousands of transactions daily, weekly, or monthly with our systems.

Software & CRM

Raw data is hard to convert to revenue for your business. Our integrated solution puts you in contact with people who need your services now, and provides you and your team one place to call, text, and email.

We Take Pride in Our Numbers


Average Reply Rate

(Email & SMS)


Times faster than traditional sales methods


Projects Purchased

(SFR & MF)


Transactions Tracked


Bound Insurance Policies

(SFR, MF & Commercial)


Loans Written

(SFR & Commercial)

Our Clients


Loan Officers

Insurance Agents


Know the Market, Know Your Numbers

You have never had the opportunity to create & nurture business in your market this fast. Let us show you how it should be.

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