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The New Standard
Residential Market Analysis

Visualize your market's metrics to make faster and more reliable acquisitions decisions.

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Let Data Validate Your Investment Decisions

​In today's volatile and fast-paced market, it's no longer enough to be familiar with a neighborhood. Track every market movement, and put your money to use in the safest to maximize return on your efforts. 


With data on every closed sale and lease in California, we provide insightful access to the most accurate & reliable residential Comparable Sales data and Market Statistics.


In under 1 minute you can assess the risk of a subject property's market, and have more confidence in your estimates and offer price than ever before.

Mapped Results to
Visualize Value

Visualize the concentration and acceleration of value in  seconds. Markets change constantly, and it is important to take a step back and see where the money is going. Hedge your bets on a high-growth and stable market today.​

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Compare Submarkets

Enjoy confidently investing in your market by knowing where exactly you should be participating. School, Freeway, Zip Code, City, and County boundaries all affect residential value. With us, you get 24/7 access to dig into your market as deep as you'd like.


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Market Dashboard

Constantly keep an eye on your market's value and track proximal markets. Place your bets with sophisticated knowledge of what is happening in your area.

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Average $/sf & Absorption

Knowledge in Your Hands

In < 5 seconds you get drilled-down insights on your market. Whether by Zip Code or City, or by Sales or Rents, put the power to safeguard your investments at your fingertips by tracking everything across time.

Invest Confidently with Market Stats

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